Pillow menu for better sleep

Quality, deep and reasonably long sleep is a basic condition for good health. However, in today's modern world, we often forget how important quality sleep is to restore the body's energy. We usually do not attach importance to where and how we sleep. Our short sleep is often not comfortable enough, while the comfort during rest is directly related to the quality of sleep.

In order to provide you with the highest possible comfort, we offer you pillows of the highest quality:

Buckwheat pillow

The pillows are elastic and adapt to the shape of the body. Buckwheat pillows absorb body sweat at night and dissipate excess heat. They have a beneficial effect on migraines and insomnia, help with neck pain, joint pain and rheumatic problems.

Spelled pillow

A spelled pillow is a pillow filled with spelled chaff. The pillows are elastic and adapt to your body. The head and spine lie softly and are optimally supported throughout the night. Pillows absorb body sweat and dissipate excess heat. The spelled pillow is U-shaped.

Anatomical pillow with gel segment

With its shape, it helps the proper blood circulation of the skin and the relaxation of the neck muscles. It copies the shape of the body, thus ensuring rest according to the individual needs of the body. The gel is ideal for sleeping as it maintains a constant body temperature.

Herbal pillows

The pillows are mostly filled with cotton wool and one type or mixture of herbs.

  • Pre dobrú náladu s obsahom medovky – pomáha uvoľniť celý organizmus, zaženie pochmúrnu náladu a navodzuje príjemné zaspávanie, pôsobí proti stresu a depresiám.
  • Proti chrápaniu s obsahom materinej dúšky, lipového kvetu a bazy čiernej – účinné látky obsiahnuté v aróme vankúšika uvoľňujú počas spánku dýchacie cesty a prispievajú k regenerácii celého organizmu.
  • Pre voňavé sny s obsahom levandule.

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